English Language Center (ELC)

Foundation English Level 2 is a General English course intended to provide students with a foundation from which they can advance from A2.2 Basic User (CEFR) to B1 Independent User (CEFR). It is a pre-requisite for Level 3 or entry into CCQ Arabic track programs.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to do the following at the appropriate CEFR level:

• Identify main ideas, key information, details and sequence of events in simple written texts.
• Recognize relationship between ideas and make inferences and predictions in a simple written text.

• Construct comparison and contrast between objects, places, or people using simple sentences in one paragraph.
• Express opinions explaining reasons for likes and dislikes in simple language in 3-paragraph essay.
• Construct basic instructions using simple sentences in 3-paragraph essay.

• Distinguish between main ideas and supporting details and examples related to the topic in texts at CEFR Level A2.2.
• Identify the ways in which ideas and things are similar and/or different from one another at CEFR Level A2.2.
• Deduce the general meaning of a passage from context in a spoken text at CEFR Level A2.2.

• Can give reasons and explanations for opinions, with supporting details and examples related to a topic at CEFR Level A2.2.
• Can use lexico-grammatical structures to express ideas and things that are similar and/or different from one another at CEFR Level A2.2.
• Can discuss and respond to topics explored in class using lexico-grammatical structures at CEFR Level A2.2.​

Level 2

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